
How Tos

9 Insider Tips for Hiring Top Software Developers (Even if You Don't Code)

9 Insider Tips for Hiring Top Software Developers (Even if You Don't Code)

As a non-technical founder, hiring your first software developers can feel daunting. How can you properly vet candidates and build a high-performing engineering team if you don't understand the intricacies of code yourself?

Fortunately, by focusing on the right qualities and following a thoughtful hiring process, you can attract and secure top development talent - without being a coding expert. Here are 9 things most non-technical hiring managers don't know about recruiting developers:

1. Passion and eagerness to learn can trump credentials.

While education and work history certainly matter, the best developers have an insatiable passion for learning, problem-solving, and building things. Look for candidates who:

  • Tinker with side projects and contribute to open source
  • Are active in the developer community (meetups, conferences, online forums)
  • Demonstrate strong communication skills and intellectual curiosity
  • Can explain technical concepts in simple terms

Google, Apple, and many top tech companies no longer require college degrees. As long as a developer has strong fundamentals and practical experience, don't get hung up on pedigree.

2. Pair programming exercises reveal how candidates think.

Have promising applicants do a pair programming exercise with one of your senior engineers. This involves the two of them collaborating on a small coding task in real-time, allowing you to assess the candidate's:

  • Problem-solving approach
  • Ability to explain their thought process
  • Receptiveness to feedback
  • Debugging skills
  • Code quality

Pair programming gives you a direct window into how an engineer thinks and works, which a resume alone can't provide. Many top tech companies like Pivotal and ThoughtWorks rely heavily on pair programming when hiring.

3. A work trial beats an interview.

Instead of (or in addition to) a traditional interview, consider giving candidates a small paid project to complete on their own time. A work trial will help you gauge their:

  • Technical abilities
  • Communication skills
  • Ability to deliver on time and to spec
  • Quality of work
  • Work trials are the ultimate way to preview what it would be like to work with a developer before extending a full-time offer. Just make sure to pay candidates fairly for their time and effort.

4. Code quality matters more than speed.

When evaluating a candidate's technical abilities, prioritize code quality over raw speed. Well-structured, maintainable, thoughtfully documented code will serve you far better in the long run than a quick and dirty solution.

Look for engineers who:

  • Write clean, readable, modular code
  • Follow standard conventions and best practices
  • Proactively consider edge cases and error handling
  • Provide useful code comments and documentation
  • While development speed is important, it should not come at the expense of quality. Sloppy, rushed code will ultimately slow you down with bugs, performance issues, and technical debt.

5. Full-stack developers offer more flexibility.

While you may need specialists for certain roles, versatile full-stack engineers can be a huge asset - especially for smaller teams and startups. Benefits of full-stack developers include:

  • Ability to work on all aspects of your product (front-end, back-end, database, etc.)
  • Faster development velocity and smoother coordination
  • Deeper understanding of the entire system
  • Flexibility to pivot as business priorities change

Full-stack developers can wear many hats and adapt to the diverse needs of a fast-moving startup. Look for well-rounded candidates who are eager to learn new technologies as needed.

6. Diverse teams build better products.

Research shows that diverse teams are more innovative, make better decisions, and achieve superior financial results. Diversity in terms of gender, race/ethnicity, age, nationality, and professional background will strengthen your development team with:

  • Broader range of perspectives and ideas
  • Better understanding of diverse user/customer needs
  • More creativity and outside-the-box thinking
  • Improved hiring and retention

Make a conscious effort to build an inclusive, welcoming team culture. Use inclusive job descriptions, proactively source underrepresented candidates, and create equitable hiring practices to mitigate unconscious bias.

7. References offer valuable insights.

When you've narrowed it down to a few top candidates, don't skip the reference checks. Speaking to people who have worked with them previously can give you a more complete picture of their:

  • Technical skills and problem-solving ability
  • Work ethic and reliability
  • Communication and collaboration skills
  • Response to feedback and mentorship

Ask references open-ended questions and listen for specific examples that demonstrate key qualities you're looking for. References are one more helpful data point to consider before making a decision.

8. Technical assessment platforms can help you vet and assess candidates.

If you need additional help identifying and evaluating development talent, consider using a technical assessment platform like Leetcode or HackerRank. These specialized platforms can help you:

  • Administer coding challenges and technical assessments
  • Provide compensation data to ensure competitive offers
  • Streamline scheduling and accelerate hiring

Such platforms can be a helpful complement to your in-house hiring efforts, especially if you have limited time or technical expertise. Just be sure to still conduct your own interviews and assessments to ensure a good fit.

9. Remote teams offer major advantages.

Don't limit your candidate pool to your local area. Building a fully or partially distributed engineering team can yield significant benefits, including:

  • Access to a global talent pool, not just candidates who live near your office
  • Increased productivity, as remote workers tend to have fewer distractions
  • Lower overhead costs (office space, equipment, perks)
  • Greater schedule flexibility and work-life balance for the team

Many leading tech companies like GitLab, InVision, and Zapier have fully remote engineering teams. With the right collaboration tools, communication practices, and company culture, remote development teams can thrive.


By focusing on the right attributes, following rigorous evaluation practices, and building an inclusive, remote-friendly culture, non-technical leaders can successfully hire and manage world-class software teams.

The key is to look beyond credentials and assess candidates' real-world problem-solving ability, passion for learning, and alignment with your mission and values. With the strategies outlined here, you'll be well on your way to assembling a rockstar development team - no coding skills required.

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